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How to Sell Your Product on Instagram  

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If you're a new e-commerce entrepreneur, then you've probably heard about how Instagram can change the way people buy products on the web. So if you're a big e-commerce company or even a small growing business, you should launch selling on Instagram first and then add a sales platform to your current portfolio. And this article is definitely the right place to begin, since we've all done it before, have outlined what you should know to make the most money selling on Instagram, and have detailed all that you must do to sell on Instagram for maximum results. But first, let's define the difference between an Instagram account and a website. After all, many people use Instagram as their main profile, and they may not want to have to type in a long URL every time they want to see a specific product.

So what does that mean for a business?

Basically, your app is essentially a storefront for your Instagram business. The difference is that you're not putting a brick and mortar store inside of Instagram, so there's no inventory, employees, rent, etc. Basically, your app is a digital storefront that lets users "shop" on your app, while you show them where to buy that product from your website. This is basically what the difference is between your website and your app, and this is why having a good business manager is so critical.

Build Relationship

If you want to sell on Instagram, then you have to develop a strong relationship with your Instagram followers. The key to selling online is to build relationships and acquire followers. But how can you do this when you have zero dollars to advertise with and millions of potential buyers to reach? The solution to this problem is simple: create content that benefits your followers and entices them to follow you back, ideally recommending you to their friends. The easiest way to do this is by creating high quality Instagram without spending a penny.

Engage your Followers

This is achieved by creating Instagram videos, real-time content, and engaging your followers in conversations. Basically, the more interaction you have with your followers on this platform, the more likely you are to sell to them. In order to sell on Instagram you need to offer something that your followers are looking for, something that's relevant to their needs and wants. It's all about location-based marketing. So, let's say you want to sell products on Instagram. The first thing you'll need is a product catalog, which can be achieved by creating a business profile and incorporating it into your app. From there you can add additional images, videos, and keywords to help your followers find you. It would be best to publish everything in your business profile to maximize its visibility.

Drive More Followers

Once your Instagram business profile has been published and your app installed, you should also take the time to create a free mobile and web version of your website. This would include a Facebook widget, a Facebook Like button, and a Google+ badge. These will not only show up in your actual website but will also appear in your Instagram posts, which can drive more Instagram followers to your brand and increase the chance of sales.

Join various networks

Once you have the Instagram version of your business profile ready, the next step is to promote it. The best way to promote your Instagram posts is to join the various networks that are available on the app, and join the "shop social" tab in your app. Here you'll be able to see the latest Instagram posts from your followers and see what they are commenting on. Once you see something you think would be a good buy for your followers, you can simply share it with them, so they'll want to follow you as well.

Interact With Followers

One thing you can do in order to leverage Instagram correctly is to use the official Instagram app. This will allow you to promote the product from both the web and the app and help you reach a larger base of followers. Just like any other social media platform, Instagram allows you to interact with your followers through their comments or messages. You can reply to theirs and ask those questions as well as interacting with them on a one-to-one basis. You can also use Instagram "buy now" function to get your followers to pre-order your product as soon as it becomes available.